Interview with the Fågelpodden podcast - Parts 1 & 2

I had the pleasure of chatting with fellow birder and podcaster Magnus Olsson on his fågelpodden (The Bird Podcast). We had a wide-ranging discussion, in English, and this is the first of a two-part series.

This is the first time I’ve participated in a podcast and it was a nice experience. It felt like a casual discussion with a friend and Magnus is a great interviewer.

The interview is in two parts and are linked below, so grab some coffee/tea/hot chocolate and have a listen.

Part 1 is wide-ranging but focused on my birding history: early beginnings, life in the US, most-sought after bird, favorite destination, role models. The final part of the interview ends with a pretty significant question: “what does birding give me as a person?”.

In part 2, we talk about my job as a researcher and the sort of work I do using satellite data. I give an overview of how satellites work and how they can be used for bird and nature conservation. We then take a deep dive in to birding therapy and the importance of birds for people.

  • Om ni gillar fåglar, natur och fågelskådning så kommer ni att gilla fågelpodden. Prenumerera och stötta denna fantastiska podd.

  • If you speak a bit of Swedish and love birds, birding and nature, then I thoroughly recommend fågelpodden. There aren’t that many podcasts about birding and this one is a real gem. So, subscribe and support this wonderful initiative.