A recording of the interview that was broadcast on local TV.
On August 15th, I was interviewed by journalist Bernard Mikulic of Swedish Television (SVT) about our work on mapping tree species in Sweden. The interview took place at one of our field sites in Skåne while we conducted measurements at a survey location. We were with the journalist for about a hour and I spoke about a range of topics related to the project and why we were conducting fieldwork.
This was the first time that I was interviewed for TV and it was a good experience in summarizing what the research is about and why it is important. Not knowing how much equipment the SVT staff were going to be carrying, I had planned to have the interview at a survey location in a spruce forest that was close to a parking location. My thinking was that they would not have to walk very far to the survey location and film us working. We later found out that part of that forest was clear-cut this summer, which provided good lighting for the interview. Instead, we opted for an adjoining patch of spruce in which to conduct the interview.